Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ken & Dana Design Review

I've known since about two minutes after I met Jenny that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. The only reason that I waited so long was to make sure that she wanted to be with me. That and the fact the she said she would except a string tied around her finger for an engagement ring     My fiancé (from now on will be called "to be" 'cause I really hate the word fiancé)showed me a ring from Ken + Dana Design ( KDD) last March  I, being the awesome guy that I am, stored that bit of information away and started the search for the perfect diamond to set on the Aurora ring. Not having any idea of what to look for besides a big shiny thing, I contacted Ken and he pretty much walked through what to look for and what to avoid when searching for a diamond. I will spare you the details of looking for a diamond but size does matter but so does quality and GIA certified is the way to ensure you know what you are getting   

Ken was extremely helpful throughout the whole process and I hope he doesn't hate me for peppering him with a thousand questions On December 21st, 2011 at 7 in the morning, I woke Jenny up and told her things that I wont put here and then asked her to marry me. I couldn't have been happier with her reaction to the ring.  She was surprised that I remembered the ring she told me about months earlier. She loves it and I know that she doesn't look at other rings with envy. Now I have to save up for the wedding band

231 W 29th St
Ste 503
(between 7th Ave & 8th Ave)
New York, NY 10001
Neighborhoods: Chelsea, Midtown West
(212) 972-7031

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